We help the Tourism Board boards, tourism suppliers around the world to set a solid entry to the Middle East travel market and acquire a substantial shares within span of years time. Our marketing experts have a wide range of experience in The Renowned Luxury Hospitality Organizations, Middle East Travel Trade and . We help companies to analyze Middle East tourism industry , introduce them to key trade partners and promote their product to the right audience.


MichiDe offers advanced In-house Training Programs to help Organizations optimize their Sales and Marketing performances. MichiDe applies innovative yet practical approaches, focusing on Commercial Competency Management within the professional environment. Partners and Key Players in the Region are contentedly taking advantage of MichiDe’s Training Solutions.


MichiDe acts as an independent regional market research expert, conducting quality assurance projects for Hospitality and Customer Service within various business sectors (Luxury Hotels, Upscale dining restaurants, Luxury Goods, Shopping Malls, Airlines, Automotive and Banking). Our direct survey involves support from our mystery shoppers and top influencers from different nationalities, gender and cultural ethnics. We have a proven track record of successful project execution in developing quality standards of service in each sector.